Why are my teeth YELLOW?

Some of us have naturally beautiful, bright white smiles – but for the rest of us, we’re left wondering: WHY are my teeth so YELLOW?

A number of factors contribute to the yellowing of our teeth:


As we age the hard outer layer of our tooth (called enamel), gets thinner from brushing, eating, etc… As the enamel thins more and more of the soft, darker core of the tooth (called dentin) shows through.

Food and Drink

Intense colour pigments called chromogens that attach to the white, outer shell of your tooth (enamel) also cause staining. Coffee, tea, red wine, and beets are some of the worst culprits.


Certain medications have the unfortunate side effect of darkening and staining teeth. Antihistamines, antipsychotics, high blood pressure medications, and chemotherapy all may discolour teeth.
Commonly, young children or babies who are prescribed tetracyclines and doxycycline when their teeth are still forming may have discoloration of their adult teeth later in life


Trauma to your teeth may cause them to change colour as the body’s reaction to tooth trauma is to lay down more dentin. As dentin is the darker layer under your enamel it begins to show through more.


Tar (which is naturally dark) and nicotine (which is colourless until it’s mixed with oxygen) are both chemicals found in tobacco products.

If you’re unhappy with your yellow smile Dr. Shahriary’s Office offers several different options to whiten and brighten your teeth! Call Today (604) 936-1263